Instruments washer disinfector

AWD655-10 DIN A


Thermal Instruments Washer Disinfector with sliding automatic door, for surgical departments and small central sterilization departments.

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AWD655-10 DIN Speed Cycle

AWD-655-10 Speed Cycle

Manual door model for surgical departments and small central sterilization departments, with 5 washing levels and connection for washing and disinfecting tubular instruments. Large variety of baskets to wash and disinfect all kinds of surgical instruments, included the tubular ones.

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AWD655-10 DIN


Manual door model for surgical departments and small central sterilization departments, with 5 washing levels and connection for washing and disinfecting tubular instruments. Large variety of baskets to wash and disinfect all kinds of surgical instruments, included the tubular ones.

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AWD655-8 DIN

Thermal Instruments Washer Disinfector with manual door, for surgical departments and small central sterilization departments.

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AWD655 15AD Speed Cycle

Floor mounted Instruments Washer Disinfector with single door with plinth. Wash chamber in AISI 316 L, capacity 450 Lt. Load capacity: 15 baskets (3 for each level). Possibility to get a trolley with load capacity up to 18 Din baskets.

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Floor mounted Instruments Washer Disinfector with single door with plinth. Wash chamber in AISI 316 L, capacity 450 Lt. Load capacity: 15 baskets (3 for each level). Possibility to get a trolley with load capacity up to 18 Din baskets.

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AWD655-15A Speed Cycle

Floor mounted Instruments Washer Disinfector with single door with plinth. Wash chamber in AISI 316 L, capacity 450 Lt. Load capacity: 15 baskets (3 for each level). Possibility to get a trolley with load capacity up to 18 Din baskets.

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Floor mounted Instruments Washer Disinfector with single door with plinth. Wash chamber in AISI 316 L, capacity 450 Lt. Load capacity: 15 baskets (3 for each level). Possibility to get a trolley with load capacity up to 18 Din baskets.

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© Copyright 2024 AT-OS S.r.l. Viale del lavoro, 19 37030 Colognola ai Colli Verona Italy. +39 045 6159411 Fax: +39 045 6159422 Email: P.IVA: 02719270239 Posta elettronica certificata (PEC): | N° Rea: 258189 Ufficio di Verona | Capitale in bilancio € 145.600,00


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